Apache Portable Runtime
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
00002  * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
00003  * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
00004  * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
00005  * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
00006  * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
00007  *
00008  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
00009  *
00010  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
00011  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
00012  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
00013  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
00014  * limitations under the License.
00015  */
00017 /* Portions of this file are covered by */
00018 /* -*- mode: c; c-file-style: "k&r" -*-
00020   strnatcmp.c -- Perform 'natural order' comparisons of strings in C.
00021   Copyright (C) 2000 by Martin Pool <mbp@humbug.org.au>
00023   This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
00024   warranty.  In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
00025   arising from the use of this software.
00027   Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
00028   including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
00029   freely, subject to the following restrictions:
00031   1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
00032      claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
00033      in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
00034      appreciated but is not required.
00035   2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
00036      misrepresented as being the original software.
00037   3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
00038 */
00040 #ifndef APR_STRINGS_H
00041 #define APR_STRINGS_H
00043 /**
00044  * @file apr_strings.h
00045  * @brief APR Strings library
00046  */
00048 #include "apr.h"
00049 #include "apr_errno.h"
00050 #include "apr_pools.h"
00051 #define APR_WANT_IOVEC
00052 #include "apr_want.h"
00055 #include <stdarg.h>
00056 #endif
00058 #ifdef __cplusplus
00059 extern "C" {
00060 #endif /* __cplusplus */
00062 /**
00063  * @defgroup apr_strings String routines
00064  * @ingroup APR 
00065  * @{
00066  */
00068 /**
00069  * Do a natural order comparison of two strings.
00070  * @param a The first string to compare
00071  * @param b The second string to compare
00072  * @return Either <0, 0, or >0.  If the first string is less than the second
00073  *          this returns <0, if they are equivalent it returns 0, and if the
00074  *          first string is greater than second string it retuns >0.
00075  */
00076 APR_DECLARE(int) apr_strnatcmp(char const *a, char const *b);
00078 /**
00079  * Do a natural order comparison of two strings ignoring the case of the 
00080  * strings.
00081  * @param a The first string to compare
00082  * @param b The second string to compare
00083  * @return Either <0, 0, or >0.  If the first string is less than the second
00084  *         this returns <0, if they are equivalent it returns 0, and if the
00085  *         first string is greater than second string it retuns >0.
00086  */
00087 APR_DECLARE(int) apr_strnatcasecmp(char const *a, char const *b);
00089 /**
00090  * duplicate a string into memory allocated out of a pool
00091  * @param p The pool to allocate out of
00092  * @param s The string to duplicate
00093  * @return The new string
00094  */
00095 APR_DECLARE(char *) apr_pstrdup(apr_pool_t *p, const char *s);
00097 /**
00098  * Create a null-terminated string by making a copy of a sequence
00099  * of characters and appending a null byte
00100  * @param p The pool to allocate out of
00101  * @param s The block of characters to duplicate
00102  * @param n The number of characters to duplicate
00103  * @return The new string
00104  * @remark This is a faster alternative to apr_pstrndup, for use
00105  *         when you know that the string being duplicated really
00106  *         has 'n' or more characters.  If the string might contain
00107  *         fewer characters, use apr_pstrndup.
00108  */
00109 APR_DECLARE(char *) apr_pstrmemdup(apr_pool_t *p, const char *s, apr_size_t n);
00111 /**
00112  * Duplicate at most n characters of a string into memory allocated 
00113  * out of a pool; the new string will be NUL-terminated
00114  * @param p The pool to allocate out of
00115  * @param s The string to duplicate
00116  * @param n The maximum number of characters to duplicate
00117  * @return The new string
00118  * @remark The amount of memory allocated from the pool is the length
00119  *         of the returned string including the NUL terminator
00120  */
00121 APR_DECLARE(char *) apr_pstrndup(apr_pool_t *p, const char *s, apr_size_t n);
00123 /**
00124  * Duplicate a block of memory.
00125  *
00126  * @param p The pool to allocate from
00127  * @param m The memory to duplicate
00128  * @param n The number of bytes to duplicate
00129  * @return The new block of memory
00130  */
00131 APR_DECLARE(void *) apr_pmemdup(apr_pool_t *p, const void *m, apr_size_t n);
00133 /**
00134  * Concatenate multiple strings, allocating memory out a pool
00135  * @param p The pool to allocate out of
00136  * @param ... The strings to concatenate.  The final string must be NULL
00137  * @return The new string
00138  */
00139 APR_DECLARE_NONSTD(char *) apr_pstrcat(apr_pool_t *p, ...)
00140 #if defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ >= 4
00141     __attribute__((sentinel))
00142 #endif
00143     ;
00145 /**
00146  * Concatenate multiple strings specified in a writev-style vector
00147  * @param p The pool from which to allocate
00148  * @param vec The strings to concatenate
00149  * @param nvec The number of strings to concatenate
00150  * @param nbytes (output) strlen of new string (pass in NULL to omit)
00151  * @return The new string
00152  */
00153 APR_DECLARE(char *) apr_pstrcatv(apr_pool_t *p, const struct iovec *vec,
00154                                  apr_size_t nvec, apr_size_t *nbytes);
00156 /**
00157  * printf-style style printing routine.  The data is output to a string 
00158  * allocated from a pool
00159  * @param p The pool to allocate out of
00160  * @param fmt The format of the string
00161  * @param ap The arguments to use while printing the data
00162  * @return The new string
00163  */
00164 APR_DECLARE(char *) apr_pvsprintf(apr_pool_t *p, const char *fmt, va_list ap);
00166 /**
00167  * printf-style style printing routine.  The data is output to a string 
00168  * allocated from a pool
00169  * @param p The pool to allocate out of
00170  * @param fmt The format of the string
00171  * @param ... The arguments to use while printing the data
00172  * @return The new string
00173  */
00174 APR_DECLARE_NONSTD(char *) apr_psprintf(apr_pool_t *p, const char *fmt, ...)
00175         __attribute__((format(printf,2,3)));
00177 /**
00178  * Copy up to dst_size characters from src to dst; does not copy
00179  * past a NUL terminator in src, but always terminates dst with a NUL
00180  * regardless.
00181  * @param dst The destination string
00182  * @param src The source string
00183  * @param dst_size The space available in dst; dst always receives
00184  *                 NUL termination, so if src is longer than
00185  *                 dst_size, the actual number of characters copied is
00186  *                 dst_size - 1.
00187  * @return Pointer to the NUL terminator of the destination string, dst
00188  * @remark
00189  * <PRE>
00190  * Note the differences between this function and strncpy():
00191  *  1) strncpy() doesn't always NUL terminate; apr_cpystrn() does.
00192  *  2) strncpy() pads the destination string with NULs, which is often 
00193  *     unnecessary; apr_cpystrn() does not.
00194  *  3) strncpy() returns a pointer to the beginning of the dst string;
00195  *     apr_cpystrn() returns a pointer to the NUL terminator of dst, 
00196  *     to allow a check for truncation.
00197  * </PRE>
00198  */
00199 APR_DECLARE(char *) apr_cpystrn(char *dst, const char *src,
00200                                 apr_size_t dst_size);
00202 /**
00203  * Remove all whitespace from a string
00204  * @param dest The destination string.  It is okay to modify the string
00205  *             in place.  Namely dest == src
00206  * @param src The string to rid the spaces from.
00207  * @return A pointer to the destination string's null terminator.
00208  */
00209 APR_DECLARE(char *) apr_collapse_spaces(char *dest, const char *src);
00211 /**
00212  * Convert the arguments to a program from one string to an array of 
00213  * strings terminated by a NULL pointer
00214  * @param arg_str The arguments to convert
00215  * @param argv_out Output location.  This is a pointer to an array of strings.
00216  * @param token_context Pool to use.
00217  */
00218 APR_DECLARE(apr_status_t) apr_tokenize_to_argv(const char *arg_str,
00219                                                char ***argv_out,
00220                                                apr_pool_t *token_context);
00222 /**
00223  * Split a string into separate null-terminated tokens.  The tokens are 
00224  * delimited in the string by one or more characters from the sep
00225  * argument.
00226  * @param str The string to separate; this should be specified on the
00227  *            first call to apr_strtok() for a given string, and NULL
00228  *            on subsequent calls.
00229  * @param sep The set of delimiters
00230  * @param last Internal state saved by apr_strtok() between calls.
00231  * @return The next token from the string
00232  */
00233 APR_DECLARE(char *) apr_strtok(char *str, const char *sep, char **last);
00235 /**
00236  * @defgroup APR_Strings_Snprintf snprintf implementations
00237  * @warning
00238  * These are snprintf implementations based on apr_vformatter().
00239  *
00240  * Note that various standards and implementations disagree on the return
00241  * value of snprintf, and side-effects due to %n in the formatting string.
00242  * apr_snprintf (and apr_vsnprintf) behaves as follows:
00243  *
00244  * Process the format string until the entire string is exhausted, or
00245  * the buffer fills.  If the buffer fills then stop processing immediately
00246  * (so no further %n arguments are processed), and return the buffer
00247  * length.  In all cases the buffer is NUL terminated. It will return the
00248  * number of characters inserted into the buffer, not including the
00249  * terminating NUL. As a special case, if len is 0, apr_snprintf will
00250  * return the number of characters that would have been inserted if
00251  * the buffer had been infinite (in this case, *buffer can be NULL)
00252  *
00253  * In no event does apr_snprintf return a negative number.
00254  * @{
00255  */
00257 /**
00258  * snprintf routine based on apr_vformatter.  This means it understands the
00259  * same extensions.
00260  * @param buf The buffer to write to
00261  * @param len The size of the buffer
00262  * @param format The format string
00263  * @param ... The arguments to use to fill out the format string.
00264  */
00265 APR_DECLARE_NONSTD(int) apr_snprintf(char *buf, apr_size_t len,
00266                                      const char *format, ...)
00267         __attribute__((format(printf,3,4)));
00269 /**
00270  * vsnprintf routine based on apr_vformatter.  This means it understands the
00271  * same extensions.
00272  * @param buf The buffer to write to
00273  * @param len The size of the buffer
00274  * @param format The format string
00275  * @param ap The arguments to use to fill out the format string.
00276  */
00277 APR_DECLARE(int) apr_vsnprintf(char *buf, apr_size_t len, const char *format,
00278                                va_list ap);
00279 /** @} */
00281 /**
00282  * create a string representation of an int, allocated from a pool
00283  * @param p The pool from which to allocate
00284  * @param n The number to format
00285  * @return The string representation of the number
00286  */
00287 APR_DECLARE(char *) apr_itoa(apr_pool_t *p, int n);
00289 /**
00290  * create a string representation of a long, allocated from a pool
00291  * @param p The pool from which to allocate
00292  * @param n The number to format
00293  * @return The string representation of the number
00294  */
00295 APR_DECLARE(char *) apr_ltoa(apr_pool_t *p, long n);
00297 /**
00298  * create a string representation of an apr_off_t, allocated from a pool
00299  * @param p The pool from which to allocate
00300  * @param n The number to format
00301  * @return The string representation of the number
00302  */
00303 APR_DECLARE(char *) apr_off_t_toa(apr_pool_t *p, apr_off_t n);
00305 /**
00306  * Convert a numeric string into an apr_off_t numeric value.
00307  * @param offset The value of the parsed string.
00308  * @param buf The string to parse. It may contain optional whitespace,
00309  *   followed by an optional '+' (positive, default) or '-' (negative)
00310  *   character, followed by an optional '0x' prefix if base is 0 or 16,
00311  *   followed by numeric digits appropriate for base.
00312  * @param end A pointer to the end of the valid character in buf. If
00313  *   not NULL, it is set to the first invalid character in buf.
00314  * @param base A numeric base in the range between 2 and 36 inclusive,
00315  *   or 0.  If base is zero, buf will be treated as base ten unless its
00316  *   digits are prefixed with '0x', in which case it will be treated as
00317  *   base 16.
00318  * @bug *end breaks type safety; where *buf is const, *end needs to be
00319  * declared as const in APR 2.0
00320  */
00321 APR_DECLARE(apr_status_t) apr_strtoff(apr_off_t *offset, const char *buf, 
00322                                       char **end, int base);
00324 /**
00325  * parse a numeric string into a 64-bit numeric value
00326  * @param buf The string to parse. It may contain optional whitespace,
00327  *   followed by an optional '+' (positive, default) or '-' (negative)
00328  *   character, followed by an optional '0x' prefix if base is 0 or 16,
00329  *   followed by numeric digits appropriate for base.
00330  * @param end A pointer to the end of the valid character in buf. If
00331  *   not NULL, it is set to the first invalid character in buf.
00332  * @param base A numeric base in the range between 2 and 36 inclusive,
00333  *   or 0.  If base is zero, buf will be treated as base ten unless its
00334  *   digits are prefixed with '0x', in which case it will be treated as
00335  *   base 16.
00336  * @return The numeric value of the string.  On overflow, errno is set
00337  * to ERANGE.  On success, errno is set to 0.
00338  */
00339 APR_DECLARE(apr_int64_t) apr_strtoi64(const char *buf, char **end, int base);
00341 /**
00342  * parse a base-10 numeric string into a 64-bit numeric value.
00343  * Equivalent to apr_strtoi64(buf, (char**)NULL, 10).
00344  * @param buf The string to parse
00345  * @return The numeric value of the string.  On overflow, errno is set
00346  * to ERANGE.  On success, errno is set to 0.
00347  */
00348 APR_DECLARE(apr_int64_t) apr_atoi64(const char *buf);
00350 /**
00351  * Format a binary size (magnitiudes are 2^10 rather than 10^3) from an apr_off_t,
00352  * as bytes, K, M, T, etc, to a four character compacted human readable string.
00353  * @param size The size to format
00354  * @param buf The 5 byte text buffer (counting the trailing null)
00355  * @return The buf passed to apr_strfsize()
00356  * @remark All negative sizes report '  - ', apr_strfsize only formats positive values.
00357  */
00358 APR_DECLARE(char *) apr_strfsize(apr_off_t size, char *buf);
00360 /** @} */
00362 #ifdef __cplusplus
00363 }
00364 #endif
00366 #endif  /* !APR_STRINGS_H */
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